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One journey has ended, another has begun...

Carmel Wright

21 Apr 2023

It was around this time in 2022 that we were told our competition would be split between SportLink and Great Ryrie Primary School. Why? Because the renovation of the outside courts was to begin.

And so after Easter and the school holidays, half the competition moved to the four courts at Great Ryrie. Four courts , all outdoors, enclosed by a fence, not much of a run off and leaves galore. But it was what it was and so those who volunteered to go there on Saturdays had a bit of a task ahead of them…

The team of Liz, Annette, Jenny and  Carmel turned up each Saturday , armed with a blower, brooms squeegees and shovel. The courts were our main battle and every Saturday armed with our tools we fought the elements of nature – leaves, leaves and more leaves.

And then there was the occasional battle with rain and wind. It seemed a losing battle at times, but we continued to sweep the courts hoping the wind would die and the rain would end. Out of 2 seasons we only lost about two Saturdays where the elements beat us!!!!. We were a formidable team !!!! All in the name of a game we all loved!

Will not forget these in a hurry!!!

But possibly the biggest sense of achievement was the community we were working hard to win over and I think we did . Yes, we had the usual few complaints, but on the whole I commend those who came week after week to play . No it was not Sportlink but one aspect we all commented on was the spirit of the community. What did we have? We had

The coffee van – the ladies turned  up cheery every week and provided much needed coffee!

Just not sure about the Iced Beetroot Latte, ladies !!!! But the crossiants were  the best!

Taylor and the rep teams who came and cooked a mean bbq of sausages and onions !

A group of umpires who turned up despite the fact that the courts were not as good as Sportlink to train the young hats and trainees with a smile every week

Jenny and Annette looking after “Mission Control” with a rickety table and a speaker /horn, surrounded by a box of medical supplies, blanket, crutches and chair for injuries. Reminds me of the days when we ran the competition from a shipping container when the stadium was being built many moons ago..

Forever explaining what court was which – hence the map on the table. Very artistic ladies! If they weren’t blowing the horn for end of quarters, they were  treating injuries,  and general dogsbodies

Liz on a table that was about 15 inches by 24 inches in size with umpire sheets ready to mark off umpires as they arrived.

Your guess is as good as mine re the outstretched arm??? Must be directing a centre  pass?? Or perhaps the way to the coffee van ! And bbq

And one cannot forget the dog community who rolled up every week , spending time in the sun rain and wind. I loved that each week I could meet up with them – Jake, so big he could not possibly be a “puppy”, Roxy, Swannie the greyhound who would just love to stand right up against you and want to be patted, Millie, Kiera and River who was only a puppy when I first came across him, but by the time we finished at GR, he had certainly grown! . How I miss them all now that we are back at Sportlink

And last but not least the parents who came each week to watch their kids play. Despite our surroundings, everyone made the best of it. On a sunny day, there was an carnival atmosphere of friendship and much laughter and the younger kids could go to the playground the other side of the courts, while the dogs barked, ran or watched.I can only thank all those parents, players and dogs who made it worthwhile for us turning up every Saturday.   No the courts were not the best and surrounds not wonderful, but I can only thank everyone for making the best of the situation. We really appreciated your patience and understanding week after week . You really made our job so much easier! And I am sure Liz Jenny and Annette feel the same way.

 I also extend our thanks to Gabe, Skye and her daughters, Mr Hedley, and Jackie who  came early too to give a hand when we needed it. Thank you. And to our GM, John, who came and gave moral support when it was needed

And so that journey ended, and a new one has begun, delayed somewhat, but begun, as we have now returned to Sportlink and the renovated outside courts.  There are always teething problems but we made it back from GR.  In fact we made it happen at GR!! Another experience in the history of Whitehorse Netball, and one to go into our history books.

Thanks to all who made it happen and welcome back to Sportlink.

My only regret? I miss my new dog pals !!….. Give them a hug from me!

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